Emilio D’Antino
Westerndorfer Str. 91
83024 Rosenheim
Tel: +49 (0)8031 941040
E-Mail: info@dantino.net
Web: www.dantino.net
Opening hours
Monday-Thursday 9-17
Friday 9-12
We are specialized in registration of vehicles imported to Europe from all over the world, in particular vehicles originally produced for the American market. We collaborate with the German TÜV and Italian registration agencies. We offer solutions also for complicated cases, as there are for example vehicles from the Arabic or the Asian region, vintage cars, former racing cars or military vehicles. As technical datas are needed for the registration of a vehicle in Italy, we provide the “scheda tecnica”, too.
We handle vehicles’ homologation and you’ll be professionally informed about reconstruction and so on. We purvey appropriate car accessory, for example trailer couplings, rear lights, headlights et cetera. We add all technical modifications necessary and make sure that your vehicle matches European standards.
Furthermore, we offer a wide range of services for German and Italian car dealers as well as private customers. We help you both, saving time and avoiding tedous bureaucracy.